Polyamory Is Going Mainstream (update)
Update On “Polyamory Is Going Mainstream” Here is the original post from 7/1/2013 and here’s an update on how polyamory is going ‘mainstream’ in North America. America, and likely other parts of the developed world, are socially developing in uncharted ways, and this is a part of it. Challenges to gender classifications are also driving change […]
Can We Master Jealousy?
Therapy For Jealousy As a relationship therapist, I want to find ways that my clients can understand and master their jealousy, reducing the damage it can cause, and facilitating a process of personal and relational development. Jealousy is a stressful signal that partner differentiation and development in both could take place. At various points in this post, I describe ways of thinking […]
Poly Couples Going Mainstream
Much has been published in the last 15 years about polyamory, – or the more familiar “poly”, in the public discourse. Fortunately, very early in my couples practice, I began to work with poly couples clients who had standing (and evolving) agreements about how (or whether )they would practice sexual, emotional, non-exclusive/non-monogamous relationships. A Brief […]