
Veterans Day 2024

Monday November 11, 2024 is Veterans Day. Today, there are slightly under 18 million veterans who have served in the military, between 5-6% of the US population.

Recent history

In 1955, that percentage was nearly 10% of the US population. That was because the US military had used a universal draft to fill its ranks to wage World Wars I & II and the Korean War.

In 1973, the military abandoned the draft and converted to voluntary recruitment. By 1975, after the (formally undeclared) war in Vietnam ended, that percentage stood at 12%.

Current numbers

1.3 million people are currently active duty. 170,000 serve overseas, mainly  in Japan, Germany and S. Korea. There are about 800,000 people in the National Guard, and a similar number in the Reserves of the various military branches.

Combat veterans

Killing, seeing others killed and living with the constant threat of death affects human beings in very particular ways (referred to as “moral injury”.) This study reports that of the nearly 65% of veterans serving in Afghanistan and Iraq were in combat roles.  Multiple deployments and the number of lifetime experiences resulting in PTSD were the two biggest factors in these veterans’ mental health post-discharge.

Lifetime PTSD experiences

The phrase “lifetime PTSD experiences” refers to PTSD episodes suffered prior to joining the military. Veterans with pre-military PTSD episodes were more vulnerable to combat related PTSD. However, these veterans were also capable of “PTG”- post-traumatic growth. These veterans experienced better quality of life, partly a result of psychological treatment.

PTSD episodes prior to military combat service created both greater vulnerability and resilience. This large study confirmed that finding (including adverse childhood events), and concluded that still other factors were related to resilience.

Treatment innovations

Recent evidence-based treatment methods, championed by noted traumatologist Bessel Van der Kolk in his famous book, The Body Keeps the Score, include yoga, EMDR, neurofeedback, MDMA-assisted treatment, meditation. While psychotherapy is not rated as effective overall, he recommends Internal Family Systems as a helpful psychotherapy adjunct.

Psychedelic-assisted therapy for PTSD

This is a major topic in the treatment of veterans. I will post again on this subject shortly.

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