
Narratives, Part 1

The development of adult erotic narratives lets people form a foundation for an imaginative life together.

Imagination and curiosity are at the heart of erotic desire, rather than its fringes. Understanding how narratives can express these things, and how they are built, offers a way of maintaining & developing desire over the course of a relationship of any length.

Desire takes shape

For relationships that consciously choose to balance desire and commitment, these narratives let partners (in any number) guide desire into taking its own shape, creating more hopeful possibilities for lengthier or more meaningful commitment.

Thrilling autonomy

Narratives are thrilling examples of how autonomy and differentiation deliver greater satisfaction in committed relationships, and other longer-term connection(s). When, where and how those narratives play out expresses the balance, and true character of a union.  The greater depth of intimacy generally increases overall security and resilience. It also tends to spur personal development, which then puts both to the test.

A series of blog posts

This theme of Narratives will be played out in a series of blog posts.

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