
Who’s Afraid Of Couples Therapy?

This attention grabbing title (at least for clients and therapists) is for my current continuing education program. It’s a group of eight interviews, with Q&A, with some of the top practitioners in the couples therapy field, with some emphasis on sexuality. The series is sponsored by Psychotherapy Networker, to whom I give credit for innovative professional education offerings.

Topics include: “Confidentiality, Secrets and How to Deal with Affairs” (Esther Perel); “Taking Off the Masks: Truth-Telling in Couples Work” (David Schnarchand “The Logic of Eroticism” (Marty Klein). In addition to working with the latest material from both Perel and Schnarch, my two greatest clinical influences, this series also gives me a chance to listen and direct questions to some top practitioners who practice and think quite differently than they or I might.

I am just finishing my review of tapes from the series of six hours that I took from Tammy Nelson and Esther Perel. They are brilliant and empowering/encouraging professionals. I will blog some of the thoughts that stand out for me from that work shortly. [UPDATE: My first blog post directly stemming from this series is titled “On (sex) addiction” Your comments are very welcome!]

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